Endrit and Blerina met during their first year of high school and were good friends throughout. It wasn’t until the last year of high school, that they realized they had something special. They’ve now been together for 10 years, which is an awesome testament of their love.
The two enjoy food and wine, music, traveling and their cat “Muffin” (best name ever). Italy has always been one of their dream destinations, and they can’t wait to finally go for their honeymoon this fall. Let me just take a moment to mention how completely jealous I am about this! Someone please take me to Italy, so I can eat everything!
Endrit and Blerina, it was great to finally meet you, and not just correspond via email! You make a great couple, and are both so kind. Your love for each other is beautiful and we felt really honoured that you chose us to capture it. All the best with the rest of your plans, and we’ll see you for your wedding very soon!